Saturday, February 12, 2011

The big idea

We've all seen those movies. The one with the unsuspecting, undiscovered introverted artist that lives in NYC and smokes way too much. It's a dream I find every time I come to New York, friends that want to live that life style though find it's not all they imagined it would be. Hope it works out better for them sooner rather than later.

I decided recently to finally put out an EP with some of my music. Not that it should be too special, or even as elaborate as I wished my first release to be. I had three projects in mind when I started writing music again, but all seem too involved to be done in a reasonable amount of time. So I decided to make a three song EP, one involving each sub project as at least a preview? Should be posted when complete. Still the third song, needs to be mastered. Will be posted here

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